Cybersecurity Weekly: 6.30.23

This week’s top picks in Cybersecurity-focused news coverage…

‘Zero Trust’ Was Supposed To Revolutionize Cybersecurity. Here’s Why That Hasn’t Happened Yet.

“The upshot is that organizations should prepare a long and winding road ahead for zero trust. But especially if they can demonstrate the immediate business benefits, it’s worth taking those first steps.” READ MORE

How Small Business Owners Can Reassess Their Cybersecurity Strategies During Economic Downturns

“Keep in mind that during economic downturns, security risks can actually increase as downsizing occurs and employees become anxious and distracted as they worry about the company’s future. This may lower their defensive posture, creating greater opportunities for cyber criminals, and increase their incentive to engage in nefarious activities. To address these concerns, SMB executives should consider consolidating and improving their security capabilities to as great an extent as possible considering the circumstances.” READ MORE

Vulnerability Hunting: Threat Hunting’s Cybersecurity Cousin

Compared to threat hunting, vulnerability hunting requires fewer resources and less time to keep attackers out of your network. It also decreases “dwell time”—or the length of time attackers are in your network – because you’re stopping the event before it happens.” READ MORE

MIT Researchers Devise A Way To Evaluate Cybersecurity Methods

“To help engineers and scientists better understand the effectiveness of different obfuscation schemes, MIT researchers created a framework to quantitatively evaluate how much information an attacker could learn from a victim program with an obfuscation scheme in place.” READ MORE

Cybersecurity Is The Healthcare Your Organization Needs

“Like prescriptions that are stopped mid-course or bandages over broken bones, technology adopted without a plan can create misplaced confidence in an incomplete system. Many organizations focus on shiny, new attacks at the expense of solid foundational protection, and this misprioritization has continued a culture of victimization and never-ending vulnerabilities.” READ MORE

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Altourage is a client-obsessed managed service provider. We offer Support Services, Cybersecurity Solutions, Cloud & Infrastructure Management and Business Transformation Consulting to trailblazing companies in the ‘High Trust’ sectors, including Financial Services, Professional Services, Tech Startup and Nonprofit. Our highest purpose is creating true partnerships with our clients. To do so, we purposefully select dedicated teams of engineers, project managers, help desk analysts, and client success professionals that become a true extension of our clients’ organizations. VISIT: WWW.ALTOURAGE.COM


Few areas in the information technology space draw as much focus and concern as cybersecurity, and rightly so. Threats that were once the concern of governments and enterprises now frequently target small and midsized business. In addition, cybersecurity requirements from clients, partners, investors, insurers, and regulators continue to grow. 

Our cybersecurity team delivers complete protection across endpoints, servers, networks and cloud platforms. Employing industry-leading next-gen firewalls and antivirus protection, intelligent web filtering, data-loss prevention tools, threat intelligence, and training and testing tools, our NIST-based, data-centric approach to cybersecurity ensures your people, data, and customers remain as safe as possible. 

To learn more about how we can help your company develop and execute a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, reach out to us Contact us today: