
Developing a successful IT and cybersecurity strategy for nonprofit organizations involves much more than simply installing anti-virus software or updating passwords. A comprehensive strategy must take into account the unique risks and challenges facing nonprofits, including compliance with regulatory requirements, limited resources, and the need...

Non-profit organizations sometimes think of themselves as distinct from their profit-driven counterparts. And, in many ways, a humanitarian focused initiative is a vastly different organization than a profit-driven business, with distinct considerations and needs.  One way that the two are similar, however, is the growing need...

Conducting a digital maturity assessment is a critical step in the digital transformation journey for nonprofit organizations. It allows executives to evaluate the current state of digital capabilities and identify areas for improvement. This assessment is essential for IT and cybersecurity teams as it helps...

Identifying gaps in your nonprofit's digital capabilities is an essential step towards achieving digital transformation. Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a nonprofit organization, leading to fundamental changes in how they operate and deliver value to their stakeholders. Digital...

Cloud computing is a revolutionary technology that offers numerous benefits to nonprofit organizations. By allowing users to access and store data and applications over the internet, rather than relying on internal physical servers or computers, cloud computing has become a valuable IT strategy for nonprofits....

Budgeting for IT expenses  Budgeting for IT expenses is a crucial aspect of managing IT challenges faced by nonprofit organizations. For IT managers and stakeholders in nonprofit organizations, it is important to understand how to plan, allocate and manage IT expenses to ensure that your organization can...

Technology is rapidly evolving, and nonprofit organizations must stay up-to-date with the latest trends to remain secure and efficient. In this section, we will discuss some of the latest trends in IT and cybersecurity and how they impact nonprofit organizations. By understanding these trends, nonprofit...

Welcome AFP members and guests! We are thrilled to be a sponsor of this terrific organization and we have prepared some special content - and even an exclusive offer - for you… THE VIDEO At Altourage, we are proud of our work with nonprofit organizations. Our team understands...