Identifying Gaps In Your Nonprofit’s Digital Capabilities

Identifying gaps in your nonprofit’s digital capabilities is an essential step towards achieving digital transformation. Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a nonprofit organization, leading to fundamental changes in how they operate and deliver value to their stakeholders. Digital transformation has become increasingly important for nonprofits to remain relevant, efficient, and effective in today’s digital world.

To identify gaps in your nonprofit’s digital capabilities, you need to conduct a digital capability assessment. This assessment helps you understand your current digital capabilities, identify gaps, and develop a roadmap for digital transformation. The assessment should consider the following areas:

1. Infrastructure: The hardware, software, and network infrastructure that supports your nonprofit’s digital operations. This includes servers, computers, software applications, internet connectivity, and cybersecurity.

2. Data: The quality, completeness, and accessibility of your nonprofit’s data. This includes donor information, program data, financial data, and other critical information that supports decision-making.

3. Processes: The workflows, policies, and procedures that govern your nonprofit’s digital operations. This includes how you collect, store, and use data, as well as how you manage digital assets and cybersecurity risks.

4. People: The skills, knowledge, and experience of your nonprofit’s staff and volunteers. This includes their ability to use digital tools and technology, as well as their understanding of cybersecurity risks and best practices.

Once you have identified gaps in your digital capabilities, you can develop a roadmap for digital transformation. This roadmap should prioritize the areas that require the most attention and resources, and outline the steps needed to achieve your digital transformation goals. This may include investing in new technology, training staff and volunteers, improving data quality and accessibility, and strengthening cybersecurity defenses.

Identifying gaps in your nonprofit’s digital capabilities is a critical step towards achieving digital transformation. By conducting a digital capability assessment and developing a roadmap for digital transformation, you can ensure that your nonprofit stays relevant, efficient, and effective in today’s digital world.


Altourage is a client-obsessed managed service provider, offering IT and Cybersecurity services to clients in ‘high-trust’ sectors, including Financial Services, Professional Services and Nonprofit Organizations.  

We offer both fully managed and co-managed services – customizing our services or integrating with our clients’ existing teams to build successful long-term partnerships.